Recently I tweeted about efforts to further align my Grav and Docsify Open Course projects, keeping their unique strengths while sharing core features, and I thought I would share them here:
Continue ReadingIn the past few weeks a lot of progress has been made to align the key features of my @getgrav Open Course Hub and projects, as can be seen below with seamlessly embedding content from both projects into the #CanvasLMS👇🏼 January 4, 2021
Recently I tweeted about how the new Grav 1.7 user management features could be configured to support multiple editors for the Grav Open MultiCourse Hub, and I thought I would share them here:
Continue ReadingSo, how could the new @getgrav 1.7 user management feature be setup for multiple editors for my Grav Open MultiCourse Hub, so each user can have editing access to one or more courses? Below is sample MultiCourse Hub with three different courses (CPT363-1, CPT363-2 and CPT363-3)👇🏼 January 4, 2021
Recently I tweeted about some highlights of the most recent Grav releases (Grav 1.7 and Grav Premium components) and my open source project Grav Open MultiCourse Hub, and I thought I would share them here:
Continue ReadingWith the official release of @getgrav 1.7 and the Grav Premium NextGen Editor, it seems like a great time to share a few highlights of the most recent release of my open source project Grav MultiCourse Hub🚀
— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) January 4, 2021
I am totally jazzed to be a part of the 2020 Festival of Learning in Vancouver, BC! While I do not know the exact time of my session yet, here is my (draft) session description…
Continue Reading🌍Starting this year I plan to help support the efforts of others involved in climate change action by providing no-charge premium support for my Grav CMS projects involved in the raising of awareness and action of climate change - contact me at for details.🌏
Well that decade blew by. In terms of just this past year, two things standout professionally – my first experience with student-generated assessment in CMPT-363 (which I’ve presented about in Vancouver at SFU DEMOfest and online via ETUG) and of course my Grav-based open education and publishing projects that are designed to help people who want to use a Markdown-based Git (i.e. GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, etc.) content workflow.
Continue ReadingWhile I’ve been heads-down with my SFU CMPT-363 User Interface Design course, I’ve just released a theme settings update for my Grav Open Course Hub and Open Publishing Space projects. Based on feedback from @MakaryGo, these changes are intended to better group/present Git Sync and custom menu options.
Figure 1 - Open Publishing Options
Recently I tweeted some examples of using Grav Course Hub inside and outside of the Canvas LMS, and I thought I would share them here:
Continue ReadingMore progress in providing a choice to access course materials either inside and outside of an LMS. For students who do not have other courses on the university LMS they can choose to visit the multi-device friendly @getgrav Open Course Hub (which links to needed LMS elements).👇
— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) July 15, 2019
Recently I tweeted about possible workflows with Grav, and I thought I would share them here:
Continue ReadingSo, what workflows does @getgrav support? One example is to use the desktop app @Typora to create/edit Markdown content and then @GitHubDesktop to preview and push changes to your Grav site👇Alternatively, you could edit and push changes with just one app, such as @AtomEditor⏱
— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 25, 2019
Throwing caution to the wind I’ve decided to submit two proposals for the Cascadia Open Education Summit in Vancouver, B.C. on April 17 and 18, with both involving the use of Markdown, Git and the file-based Grav CMS for creating and delivering open educational resources (OER).
UPDATE: While these proposals were not accepted this year I would be more than happy to meet with any interested educators about the above topics while they are in Vancouver April 17th and 18th.
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